Presentations from past 6dFGS Workshops:

2005 - 6dFGS DR2 and the Future

2003 - Progress and Science

2002 - Goals and Operations of the 6dFGS

Presentations about the survey itself:

  1. The Fundamental Plane, Stellar Populations, and Environment
    M. Colless, presented at the conference Galaxy Evolution and Environment
    in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 30 March - 4 April, 2009

  2. The 6dF Galaxy Survey: Initial Results on
    Large-Scale Structure and Galaxy Evolution

    H. Jones, presented at the conference Galaxy Growth in a Dark Universe,
    Heidelberg, Germany, 2007 July

  3. The 6dF Galaxy Survey:
    A Low-Redshift Benchmark for Bluge-Dominated Galaxies

    M. Colless, presented at The Formation and Evolution of Galaxy Bulges
    conference, Oxford, UK, 2007 July

  4. The Context of the Local Volume:
    Structure and Motions in the Nearby Universe

    M. Colless, presented at the conference Galaxies in the Local Volume,
    Sydney, Australia, 2007 July

  5. 6dF Galaxy Survey: Final Data Release
    H. Jones et al, a poster presented at the conference
    A New Zeal for Old Galaxies, Rotorua, New Zealand, 2007 March

  6. 6dFGS: Luminosity and Stellar Mass Functions
    H. Jones et al, a poster presented at the conference
    A New Zeal for Old Galaxies, Rotorua, New Zealand, 2007 March

  7. Mass and Luminosity Functions from the Finalised 6dF Galaxy Survey
    H. Jones, presented at Astronomical Society of Australia's
    Annual Scientific Meeting, Canberra, 2006 July

  8. Luminosity and Stellar Mass Functions from the 6dF Galaxy Survey
    M. Colless, presented at the Cosmic Frontiers conference, Durham, 2006 August

  9. Southern Vistas of the Local Universe: A 6dFGS Update
    H. Jones, presented at Astronomical Society of Australia's
    Annual Scientific Meeting, Sydney, 2005 July

  10. 6dF Progress and Luminosity Functions
    H. Jones, presented at the Astronomical Society of Australia's
    Annual Scientific Meeting, Brisbane, 2004 July

  11. 6dF First Data Release
    H. Jones, presented at the Large Scale Structure
    and the Zone of Avoidance
    conference, Cape Town, 2004 March

  12. Mass and Motions in the Local Universe
    M. Colless, presented at IAU General Assembly
    Symposium 216 Maps of the Cosmos, Sydney, 2003 July 03